Christopher O. Fedde


“Some thoughts on a Computer Workstation for the Biological Sciences,” McCracken, T.O., Spurgeon, T.L, Lodise, L.G., Koch, S.K., Miranda, R., Fedde, C.  Proceedings of the 1989 IFIP International Working Conference on Workstations for Experiments. International Federation for Information Processing, July 1989.

"Triangulating Between Parallel Splitting Contours Using a Simplicial Algorithm,” Miranda, R., Fedde, C., and McCracken, T.O., Proceedings of the Biostereometrics Conference, 1990, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Glaxo Virtual Anatomy.” Gulden, J., Fedde, C., Alciatore, D., Spurgeon, T., and Miranda, R.  Two slides included in the 1995 SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set, 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles, August 1995.

"Glaxo Virtual Anatomy: The production of computerized 3D anatomy models," McCracken, T.O., Spurgeon, T.L., and Fedde, C.  Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting (1995) of the Association of Medical Illustrators, Phoenix, Arizona.

“The OmniGlobe: A self-contained Spherical Display System”, Fedde, C.O., Ligon, T, and Lang, J.L., an interactive exhibit presented at the ACM Siggraph 2003 “Emerging Technologies” showcase, San Diego, California

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